Saturday, March 9, 2013


The protracted process of aliyah has some interesting effects.

On the one hand, it is easy to be inspired, move 6000 miles, and then be crushed under the enormity of what you have done and wish you had thought things through beforehand. So the time it takes to go through with this has its benefits.
On the other hand, it can turn your mind into a hamster on a wheel, endlessly replaying scenario after scenario in which you succeed, fail, whither, prosper, crash and burn, or thrive. Sometimes all of the above.

It has been increasingly harder to prepare for saying goodbye to family and friends, to the familiar and the known, to the society and culture you have been a part of your whole life (much as you didn't like it!).
Darling wife is from a close knit family, and they are not thrilled with sending off their eldest daughter and their two granddaughters to a country that holds so much potential for financial ruin, for terror attacks, and where they will only be able to see them on Skype and in pictures.
Friends all make the obligatory "that's wonderful!" remarks to the news we are going to move, though they also mention how hard it is to make a living there, the sacrifices we will have to make, and their hope we can be able to meet our bills.

Support for making such a move isn't easy to find.

It seems that Eretz Yisrael is not something easy to attain...

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