I happen to be sick in bed with a bad stomach virus, but one of the great opportunities that affords you is time to think.
The more the novelty and scavenger hunt aspect (finding and submitting all our documents) of making this move wears off, and the more I begin to (meticulously) plan our first few weeks in Israel, the more daunting it becomes. Two kids, an apartment's worth of stuff to unpack, an apartment to rent, then clean, then move in to, all while juggling Israeli bureaucracy, seems positively Sisyphean. Did I mention finding employment and a gan for daughter #1 too? I can see why Israelis think olim are insane. And maybe why many potential olim don't make it. Even with the best intentions and willpower, the task is truly massive in scope, cost, and effort. It is draining to plan and more so to execute.
I guess Eretz Yisrael is not easy to attain.
(On the bright side, we did choose the July flight (with August as a backup) with NBN, so that uncertainty is settled. Whether we make it or not is another story - there's still documentation we lack!)
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